5 Popular Myths about Schooling

Should children be forced to do well in school? To answer this question, it is important to understand why the school was originally invented in the form in which it now exists in the countries of the post-Soviet space. The main task was to raise future workers of factories and factories from children. The guys learned to sit from bell to bell, so that later they could also work, and obedience and stereotyped thinking were considered good qualities (do as you are told).

At first glance, there is nothing wrong here, but time passes, life changes and children are different now. They become more freedom-loving, thinking, not accepting some kind of framework. At the same time, the educational system has remained unchanged for many years.

Myth 1. School helps the child to socialize

It is believed that the school teaches the child to interact with other people. But if you look in more detail, it turns out that for 11 years in the classroom, children communicate mainly with their classmates and teachers. Therefore, entering adulthood, many children begin to have problems with communication with those who are 10, 15 or more years older. Often such people are perceived by them as teachers due to their age. But it is worth understanding that knowledge and skills have nothing to do with age. A student after graduation can be much more competent than an adult employee.

In other words, the child communicates mainly with peers. But, perhaps, this child needs versatile communication for full development and socialization.

Myth 2. Those who do poorly in school will not be successful in life

Success in life does not depend on grades, and there are dozens of such examples around us. These are just numbers in a diary. A child who gets excellent marks in languages may have “F” in physics and mathematics. This suggests that he has the ability for languages and needs to be developed in this direction. And the rest of the subjects to know “on the five” is not necessary.

Therefore, it is better for parents to focus on the knowledge gained, and not on grades.

Myth 3. School gives the child knowledge that he cannot acquire on his own

Favorite phrase of parents, grandparents: “If you don’t go to school, you won’t know anything.” Let’s think, if the child did not go to school, could he learn to read, write and count? Could he find out what animals and birds live in his native zone, what are the names and on what continents are different countries of the world located?

Of course. I would understand, I would learn and I would know. After all, knowledge is a natural need of every person. It is not uncommon for children at the age of 7, 9, 10 to learn to read and count, to speak another language, because it was necessary and interesting for them. And the key words here are necessary and interesting.

Myth 4. School is a second home, it prepares a person for life

Telling a child that school is his second home is not entirely correct. He has one house and the school should not replace it. And if this happens, then this only indicates that mom and dad do not cope with parental responsibilities and shift the responsibility to teachers.

If we talk that the school prepared for life, then here I want to ask the question “how exactly?” After all, most teenagers, leaving the walls of the school, have no idea what and how to do next. They do not have a clear understanding of how the acquired knowledge is now applied in life. Everything they had in school was pure theory. And theory without practice is useless. So it turns out that the choice of a future profession does not occur consciously, but “with a finger to the sky”. And the received diploma, in most cases, is quietly gathering dust on the shelf.

Myth 5. School brings only benefits

The trouble is that the “modern” education system is for leveling children. There is no place for creativity and creativity in it. It is important to chase good grades, to be obedient, to adhere to norms and rules.

But this does not bring any benefit in the future, but only turns a person into a “bolt in the big engine of the system.” It is interesting that many successful and famous people did not even graduate from high school, and this did not prevent them from being realized and reaching heights. Among them are Richard Branson, David Madrock, Quentin Tarantino and others. Who knows if they would have thought so broadly if they had spent 10-12 years in school?

In fact, everything is simple – it is not the school itself that kills the craving for knowledge, but the system in it: long boring lessons of 45 minutes, forcing to study what is not interesting, the lack of an individual approach to each child. Over time, children begin to hate school and perceive the acquisition of knowledge as a heavy burden.

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