Help Your Children Achieve Their Dreams
Why read books to build self-esteem? One of the greatest gifts you can give a child is high self esteem, it will take them any where they want to go in life. Below are some of my favorite books for building self esteem in a child. I hope you take the time to truly understand how to go about giving your child this special gift. If you have book that’s helped you and your child with self-esteem we would love to hear about it. Just use the form further down the page.
Self-Esteem Games: 300 Fun Activities That Make Children Feel Good About Themselves
Self-esteem games show children how wonderful it can be to be themselves —emotionally, socially, physically, and intellectually. By sharing the upbeat, thoughtful activities in Self-esteem Games, you can reinforce your child’s positive feelings and provide a lasting foundation for learning.
Raise Your Child’s Self-Esteem!: 99 Easy Things to Do
From writing a special note to put in a lunchbox to singing in the rain and splashing in puddles, this little book has some big-hearted suggestions on how to give kids a strong sense of self-esteem. Reading to your child, giving a surprise hug, planting a garden together, and sharing a cup of hot cocoa on a winter’s day are just some of the ways parents can instill feelings of love and self-confidence, and show children just how special they are!
501 Ways to Boost Your Child’s Self-Esteem
How children see themselves shapes how they engage the world. One of the biggest differences between winners and losers is that winners believe in themselves and see themselves as worthy of being in the winner’s circle. Helping children to like themselves and to have a positive self-image is the greatest gift any parent can bestow.
Ready-to-Use Self-Esteem & Conflict Solving Activities: for Grades 4 – 8
This practical resource gives busy teachers and counselors of at-risk students a proven, preplanned curriculum for promoting students’ self-esteem— from lessons exploring what makes each child unique as a member of his/her family, school, and community to activities focusing on making and sustaining friendships, setting and achieving realistic goals, and solving conflicts where everyone is a winner.
The New Hide or Seek: Building Self-Esteem in Your Child
A practical audio guide for parents and teachers to help them raise self-confident, healthy children. Two cassettes.
Don’t Feed the Monster on Tuesdays!: The Children’s Self-Esteem Book
Discusses how to develop and maintain healthy self-esteem and a positive attitude.
Full Esteem Ahead: 100 Ways to Build Self-Esteem in Children and Adults
The author of The Lovables in the Kingdom of Self-Esteem (65,000 in print) and her 16-year-old daughter present easy, practical strategies for developing a strong sense of self-worth in children. Also includes activities that will promote love and connection between parents and children.
200 Ways to Raise a Girl’s Self-Esteem: An Indespensable Guide for Parents, Teachers & Other Concerned Caregivers
This practical set of guidelines for improving the self-image of young girls features esteem “boosters” and “busters”–plus do’s and don’ts for parents, teachers, and caretakers who help raise girls.
Ready-To-Use Self-Esteem Activities for Young Children
Dr. Jean R. Feldman presents 200 stimulating, easy-to-use projects and activities to enhance young children’s self-esteem and confidence. Includes lesson plans and reproducible activity sheets. 120 drawings.
Keys to Developing Your Child’s Self-Esteem
Barron’s Parenting Keys offer expert advice to moms and dads who must cope with raising children in our demanding contemporary environment. These books speak to today’s parents with answers to today’s problems. Keys to Developing Your Child’s Self-Esteem emphasizes ways to encourage learning, resolve conflict, foster creativity, develop competence, teach character, manage emotions, cope with stress, think positively, and enjoy competition.
Raising Your Child’s Inner Self-Esteem: The Authoritative Guide from Infancy Through the Teen Years
This invaluable guide is designed to help parents and counselors build self-esteem in children from infancy through adolescence, fortifying them with a healthy sense of self-esteem for the rest of their lives. Whereas some professionals are content to teach parents about building only outer self-esteem, as in parents unconditionally praising the children, Dr. Owens believes it is also essential to bolster a child’s inner self-esteem. This way a child feels good from within, knows objectively that he’s doing a good job, and is not solely dependent on the praise of others. While Dr. Owens believes strongly that parents must give children unconditional love, she is well aware that the world can be a harsh and difficult place. Therefore, she shows that the best gift a parent can give one’s children is the tools to acquire the skills and behavior that will enable them to feel good about themselves – from within. This unique book imparts vital information on how parents can instill a sense of pride in their child each step of the way as the child’s mind grows in perception and logic. Dr. Owens explains what behavior to expect from children at each developmental stage. She also supplies ample questionnaires so parents can determine the state of their children’s sense of self-esteem. Most important, she wisely recognizes the needs of special groups of children. She thus offers specific advice for boosting the self-esteem of children who are shy, aggressive, unpopular, learning disabled, or gifted, as well as adopted children, only children, and children of working mothers, divorced parents, step-families, single parents, and same-sex parents.
All That She Can Be: Helping Your Daughter Maintain Her Self-Esteem
Through lively discussion, illuminating anecdote, and sample conversation, this uplifting book alerts parents to the particular problems of adolescent girls, describes the wide range of “normal” development for girls ages nine through 17, and discusses ways to address critical issues such as friendship, sexuality and body awareness.
How to Develop Self-Esteem in Your Child: 6 Vital Ingredients
As a teacher, university professor, child development counselor and mother, Dr. Youngs has seen that self-esteem can make the crucial difference in a child’s life. Here she presents a practical, accessible guide for every parent to understanding the building blocks of self-esteem and to creating a home environment where these elements flourish.